Caidence wanted a cake... ( made by mom) So this is what I decided that I would do... it came out good... and was allot easier than I was expecting... very sticky.....that is chocolate covered wafers for the side of the pool and cake crumbs for the sand... and don't forget the Polly pockets....
I thought it would be fun if Caidence could get together with her friends on her b-day, so we decided to go to the library and see Ric, the balloon making cowboy... that was fun, he told stories and used kids as props, and to help.... I was so hoping Caidence was called... and right at the end, on the last story she was... he told the story of There was an old lady who swallowed a fly... and then the real version... check out the video... pretty cute...( Caidence is an elephant)
The cake turned out so adorable! Can't wait to see the one on Saturday.