7th birthday
6years old
first grade
Eight years ago, I was so very eager to meet you, its seemed like I could wait no longer, and here we are you are growing up so quickly, in a flash you were 2, 5, then 7, now your eight years old, you have formed your own strong personality, that baffles me at times. You have your own special interests, thoughts and dreams, I would have never known what is was like to have such a wonderful daughter such as you. As we celebrate your 8th birthday, and more in the future, you will always be my precious lil girl whom will grow faster than I want. I wish that your dreams come true, and you have goals that make you happy in the future. We still have allot of time together, for you to learn, and grow into a wonderful person. I will not take advantage of this time for it is too short. I love you Baby Girl!!!