the cutest blog on the block

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Saturday, April 24, 2010

planting the garden

So we had a late start, but we got everything planted... zucchini, yellow squash, tomatoes, watermelon, and cantaloupe, it is a lot less than last year, but I am glad it is going and hope all produces well.

Friday, April 23, 2010

This song has been one of my favorites lately... To all the loved ones we have lost... we will meet again....

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

....come enjoy the sunshine....

So the tortoise is done hibernating he is awake and enjoying the sun.

This tortoise has been passed to 'Ob from his prampa, he is getting so much bigger, he loves to be pet behind his neck and on top of his head. I planted some lettuce in his cage outside, so I hope it will grow so he has some things to munch.....

We are starting to work in the garden this month, a little behind.... I plan to cut back this year,,,,,, we had so much zucchini last year that I will try to plant 3-4 plants this time rather than just let the seeds take over. I will let you know how that is progressing.... I wish I had some of my pictures from my old computer,,,, I would love to show this year compared to last year....I need to figure out how to transfer that stuff to the new computer, but the other one is so old, I dont know what to do......

( a bird flew in the house. .hold on....... got it...... let it free....

Uncle Steve and Grandma came over from So. Cal. to see NASCAR... I was glad to see them... wish we had longer to visit... hopefully in the near future we can get together again....( This picture was actually taken in November when our family visited R/C in November)

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

then and now

Over the next couple weeks I will be posting moments from our past and present...... How fast time goes by....and how quickly things can change....

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Cheerleader session 2

Tuesday was Little Miss' last cheer class, She just loves it. I was amazed how uncoordinated we are as little kids(and cute trying),and how as an adult we take a jump for granted.......we had to learn to jump too. Check out some of her moves

The History Of April Fools Day

In sixteenth-century France, the start of the new year was observed on April first. It was celebrated in much the same way as it is today with parties and dancing into the late hours of the night.

Then in 1562, Pope Gregory introduced a new calendar for the Christian world, and the new year fell on January first. There were some people, however, who hadn't heard or didn't believe the change in the date, so they continued to celebrate New Year's Day on April first. Others played tricks on them and called them "April fools." They sent them on a "fool's errand" or tried to make them believe that something false was true.

Poisson d'Avril
In France today, April first is called "Poisson d'Avril." French children fool their friends by taping a paper fish to their friends' backs. When the "young fool" discovers this trick, the prankster yells "Poisson d’Avril!" (April Fish!)
